Whisper Creek is a sci-fi televion series about four sleeper-cell agents tasked with hiding in a small, mysterious town in Northern Canada. Placed there by a secretive organization known only as "Circle", the team members are unaware of what their orders will be or when they will be called into action, only that their purpose is of the utmost importance. They slip into their cover jobs, blend into the town and wait...
Seven year pass, no orders have come through, no communication of any kind from Circle. Most of the team have decided to move on with their lives and forget about the mission. Only Edward Boone, the paranoid, obsessed electronics expert, still believes their orders are coming. A bizarre missing-child event leads Edward to uncover clues about the town's strange past and a being known only as "lifeform 02". With the entire team ostracized from one another, Edward faces the impossible task of convincing them to band together and prepare for their orders before something terrible overtakes Whisper Creek.